The void ratio is the ratio of the volume of voids (open spaces, i.e. air and water) in a soil to volume of solids.
e = Void Ratio
Vv = Volume of voids (m3 or ft3)
Vs = Volume of solids (m3 or ft3)
Vg = Volume of air (m3 or ft3)
Vw = Volume of water (m3 or ft3)
The void ratio is thus a ratio which can be greater than 1. It can also be expressed as a fraction.
Void ratio and porosity differ only in the denominator. Void ratio is the ratio of voids to solids, porosity is the ratio of voids to total volume.
A sample of silty clay was found by immersion in mercury to have a volume of 14.88ml, whilst its masss at natural moisture content 28.81g and the particle specfic gravity was 2.7. calculate void ration and degree of sturation if, after oven drying, the sample has a mass of 24.83g. plz help with this calculation.
How to caluculate voids ratio when we know partical and bulk density please solve one problem for me
Thank you