A pocket penetrometer is a fantastic little invention which geotechnical engineers and technologists find very handy. It is a small handheld gauge which contains a telescoping rod which can be pushed into the soil. The distance the rod goes into the soil corresponds to a compressive strength on the dial.
Measurement of Soil
The pocket penetrometer measures the compressive strength of the soil. Most penetrometers available today contain units of tons/ft2 or kg/cm2, and the compressive strength is read directly from the gauge. Some common conversions are:
1 ton/ft2 = 2000 psf = 13.9 psi
1 kg/cm2 = 98.1 kPa
A pocket penetrometer is a primative instrument that is subject to many errors such as non-uniform soil. As a minimum, you should take a series of measurements in one area and average them. The penetrometer should not replace laboratory testing or field analysis, or be used to produce foundation design data.
Where can I find the best pocket penetrometer?
There are a number of places you can find a penetrometer, even at a local hardware store. Here’s my recommendation from what I’ve found online:

9903912 Adapter Foot to Soil Penetrometer, Measures Low-Strength Cohesive Soils
You can’t go wrong with Humboldt (above) or Gilson (below):
HM-500 Gilson Pocket Penetrometer
Is there an ASTM or AASHTO standard procedure for using the device?
The determination of the unconsolidated, undrained strength of cohesive soils with lateral confinement is covered by Test Method