Lean manufacturing transformed the manufacturing world during the 2000's. Invented in Japan, where there are neither natural resources nor excess space for production, manufacturing needed to be lean, mean, and efficient to provide value. In turn, the success of japanese manufacturing resulted in an explosion of interest from around the world. The Toyota Production … [Read more...]
Guide to Lean Six Sigma
Six Sigma is quality. Lean is speed. The synergy of both is the most powerful engine available today to sustained value creation. Six Sigma was developed as a quality improvement system by Motorola and gained widespread traction in the 2000's with high profile adoptions by General Electric, Honeywell, and others. Lean originated out of the Toyota Production … [Read more...]
6 Process Improvement Methods that Stick
Human beings are naturally predisposed to resist change because of the risks it entails. Maybe the change will fail. Maybe it will reduce business or personal income. And maybe it will result in a loss of job security. We'd rather the devil we know, than the devil we don't. But process improvement is often an exciting step forward that makes an … [Read more...]