Like a carpenter without a hammer. Like programmer without a computer. Like a speaker without a microphone. Resource planning is an indispensable component of project management. In fact, it's so important that the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) dedicates a full knowledge area to resource management. In order to effectively manage … [Read more...]
PRINCE2’s Project Initiation Document
The Project Initiation Document (PID) is the most important document in the PRINCE2 project management method. It defines the project scope and identifies how the project will achieve its objectives. It puts the project on a solid foundation, a baseline that provides a place from which the project manager and project board can assess progress. The PID is a … [Read more...]
How to Write a Powerful Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference (TOR) is a description of the technical work involved in a project, or part of a project. Specifically, it is used to specify the work required by an external consultant, contractor, or supplier. It is the technical part of the bidding documents. Typically, a project manager develops a Terms of Reference which is included within the … [Read more...]
8 Functions of Project Management Information Systems
A Project Management Information System (PMIS) is one or more software tools used for a project's information storage and distribution. There are many types of PMIS, and equally diverse ways of applying these types of systems for optimal benefit to the organization. The components of a project management information system are: Scheduling Estimating … [Read more...]
The 4 Vital Parts of a Project Report
Writing a project report can seem like peering through the morning fog, into the unknown with no sense of direction. But there is a standard structure which, if followed, can pierce the veil and reveal the road to the destination. A project report has a 5 part structure: Executive Summary Introduction Main Body Statement of Problem Description of … [Read more...]
How to Perform a Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholders are to a project like players are to a team. Having the best players is one of the easiest ways to win the game, but strategy and tactics led by the coach (project manager) can go a long ways. Thus, successful projects know who their stakeholders are and what motivates them. That's where stakeholder analysis comes in. Stakeholder … [Read more...]
The 5 Main Roles of the Project Manager
Project managers have one of the most important jobs around. Projects usually make a one-time improvement to a business process, therefore the end products or services almost always represent an important focal point to the organization. In addition, projects are by definition unique and have little repetition to draw from, hence project managers have little choice but … [Read more...]
IPMA Certification vs. PMP
Project management certification can be a difficult field to navigate. You want to be recognized for your expertise and further your job prospects, but if you choose the wrong certification you could jeopardize those goals. You have to know which to choose before pursuing them. There are many variables to consider, including geography, popularity, cost, and … [Read more...]
Project Procurement Management According to the PMBOK
Most projects require some form of external purchasing (procurement) in order to meet their goals. Executing these procurements to fulfill the needs of the project falls under the knowledge area of Project Procurement Management. Contractors usually have better expertise or experience and can provide a higher quality product. But often they are not … [Read more...]
Project Communications Management According to the PMBOK
Many project managers have executed the technical work to perfection only to find out that stakeholders were not satisfied because communication was poor. Thus, project communication is sometimes more important than the technical work. Of course, the project manager needs to communicate when unexpected events occur. That's the domain of project risk … [Read more...]