Many projects and organizations purchase external goods, services, consultants, contractors and suppliers in a process called procurement. Although it's a very efficient and capable way to deliver project work, it has its own limitations that must be recognized in order for the procurements to go smoothly. A procurement strategy establishes the methods and procedures … [Read more...]
The Procurement Process
Procurement can be one of the most challenging roads that the project manager must travel. The legal implications, documentation, and vendor and supplier management responsibilities can introduce speed bumps that can have a significant impact on project success. We know, because we've been there. In short, project procurement can make or break a project. In that … [Read more...]
Guide to Project Procurement Management
Due to expertise or resource constraints, many projects require external resources to complete their work. These resources can come from either the project's parent organization or from external sources. But regardless of how they are obtained, project procurement is one of the most exciting areas of project management but also results in the biggest headeaches for the … [Read more...]