Like termites that build their invisible kingdoms secretly and slowly, projects have a similar parasite that grows under the surface until it suddenly exposes itself with disastrous consequences. It's called scope creep, and it has eaten many projects alive. Scope creep is the unauthorized addition of tasks into a project. If the project manager is not on the lookout, … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Control Project Scope
Generally speaking, the scope of a project should not change. However, in the real world scope change is difficult to eliminate altogether. Inevitably the presence of many interrelated moving parts means that the initial project estimate and the final project cost (or deadline) are rarely the same. Scope change can be authorized or unauthorized. The latter is often … [Read more...]
The 4 Parts of Project Control
Putting out fires is rarely a good project management strategy, even though most project managers have so much experience with it that they could take it up as a second career. Suffice it to say that project control is where the project manager earns their wages. Project control is the tasks required to ensure the project is completed on time, on budget, … [Read more...]
How to Control Project Scope
If your scope is pointed the wrong way, you're not going to hit the target! In fact, ineffective project control is one of the biggest sources of project distress. For this reason, one of the most important aspects of a project manager's job is controlling the boundaries of the project, that is, the tasks that are and aren't part of the project. If you want to have … [Read more...]
Project Scope Management according to the PMBOK
Scope management, or rather the lack of it, is one of the biggest reasons for project failure. Correctly defining what is and is not included in the project is absolutely foundational to good project management. I've seen many projects go south even though they had the right expertise, schedule, high quality deliverables, and even satisfied clients. But if the dreaded … [Read more...]
Create a Scope Management Plan
Scope issues are the #1 reason for project failure. Today more than ever, it's imperative that all projects need a scope management plan. In its absence, project stakeholders tend to assume the project boundaries in their favor, and the result is generally not good. If there's one thing a project manager can do to make project run smoother, it's to establish the scope … [Read more...]
9 Parts of a Scope Management Plan
Scope issues are the #1 reason for project failure. Today more than ever, it's imperative that all projects need a scope management plan. Scope management refers to the process of identifying and controlling the total resources that are involved in a project. It is important that scope be defined exactly. Too little, and you will have to answer to the stakeholders. But … [Read more...]
Project Scope Management according to the PMBOK
Scope management, or rather the lack of it, is one of the biggest reasons for project failure. Correctly defining what is and is not included in the project is absolutely foundational to good project management. I've seen many projects go south even though they had the right expertise, schedule, high quality deliverables, and even satisfied clients. But if the dreaded … [Read more...]